Tea Museum
Japanese green tea museum

Japanese green Tea and components

Japanese green tea and components
Japanese green tea has astringent taste. Japanese green tea's astringent taste attributes to Catechin Catechin is generally called Tannin and Catechin is a kind of Tannin. There are 6 catechins contained to Japanese green tea. There are 70-120mg of Catechin contained to a cup of tea. Japanese green tea has bitterness. Japanese green tea's bitterness attributes to Caffeine.
Japanese green tea has brothy taste. Its taste attributes to Theanine. Theanine is a kind of Amino acid. The more Theanine, the more taste of Japanese green tea. High quality Sencha tea and Gyokuro tea have more theanine than other Japanese green teas.

bBeginningborigin of Japanese green teabEdo periodbMeiji periodbBefore world warbAfter world warbkinds of Japanese green teabJapanese green tea production areasbJapanese green tea productionb Judgemant of Japanese green teab Japanese green tea distributionbJapanese green tea consumptionbvarious Japanese green teabJapanese tea and componentsbJapanese green tea and sciencebnew teasb how to drink Japanese green tea deliciouslybJapanese green tea tradebJapanese green tea bibliographyb