Tea Museum
Japanese green tea museum

Various Japanese green tea

There are rare Japanese green teas that we have not seen usually. These teas are shown in this section.

Awa Bancha tea It is a kind of pickle tea. Its aroma is characteristic because production method is peculiar. It is preferred in Tokushima-prefecture, Takamatsu-shi, Awaji-shima.
Kuro-cha tea Black tea that used to Batabata-cha was produced in Mikata-cho,Fukui prefecture and it is stopped to produce in 1976.
Hagiwara of Aoita Kosugi-cho, Toyama prefecture went to learn to Mikatacho and Black tea in Aoita is used now.
Goseki cha tea Goseki cha tea is solid tea and shaped like Goseki( go stone).
Batabata-cha tea Batabata word comes from action of swing tea restless (Batabata). Now Batabata-cha tea is drank in Asahi-cho, Toyama-prefecture,and neghibour Iruzen-cho.
Pu-aru cha tea Pu-aru cha is fermented tea kettle parched green tea or wet green tea so that Pu-aru cha is second processing tea.
Botebote cha tea Botebote cha tea drinking is a folkway in Matsue area, Shimane prefecture.Tea trees are cut down as a whole of tea tree branch and dried by sunshine.Then, tea tree branch is boiled and ladle out to rice bowl.Then tea branch boiled again with rice and final drank and ate.
Misaku Bancha tea North east in Okayama prefecture is called Misaku country and Misaku ancha produced in Misaku cho.

bBeginningborigin of Japanese green teabEdo periodbMeiji periodbBefore world warbAfter world warbkinds of Japanese green teabJapanese green tea production areasbJapanese green tea productionb Judgemant of Japanese green teab Japanese green tea distributionbJapanese green tea consumptionbvarious Japanese green teabJapanese tea and componentsbJapanese green tea and sciencebnew teasb how to drink Japanese green tea deliciouslybJapanese green tea tradebJapanese green tea bibliographyb